Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Tips to Win a COD Gaming Tournament

Call of Duty is one of the most popular competitive FPS franchises in gaming. Recent releases offer tournament modes, and real-world events often pit high-performing players against one another for impressive prizes. Whether playing at an eSports event or jumping into COD's online competitions, winning isn't easy!

Luckily, we have some tips to help you improve your skills and win!

Invest in Training

Call of Duty Warzone Battle Royale training is the best way to hone your skills. You can play all day long, but if you don't know how to master this game, you'll never reach the upper echelons of competitive play. Training does more than give you essential tips.

It's about learning skills like tracking and flicking. Training software gives you many ways to try new tactics and take your aim to a new level! If you want to make an impact in competitive play, training will help you do it.

Do Public Matches

Don't turn your nose up at public matches. While tournaments might be your main priority, there's tons of value in the public matchmaking pool. It's a great way to warm up, feel the heat, and get into the competitive zone.

Do a few rounds and get your fingers moving. Those public matches are also a great way to learn spawns and power points without the pressure of winning.

Do Small Team Tactics

In Call of Duty Warzone Battle Royale training, small team tactics are usually the way to go. Large team play creates far too many crutches, creating bad habits that will affect you in tournament play.

Smaller teams are best. That way, you can focus on individual engagements and learn not to rely on one of many teammates to save you. It's a way to practice team strategy while improving your individual skills.

Dominating COD Tournaments

Climbing the ranks and reaping the rewards takes time. Thousands of other COD fanatics are trying to do the same thing you are. If you want to conquer all, use these tips to reach the top.

Read a similar article about target tracking in Splitgate here at this page.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Three Best Things to Do During Downtime in Overwatch

Overwatch is a fiercely competitive game, and players do everything they can to rack up points and climb the rank ladder. But what are you supposed to do during downtime?

Competitive seasons have a start and end, leaving a little bit of town when you can't revel in action. Instead of just waiting for the next season to start, here's how to reduce downtime in Overwatch and put those breaks to good use!

Learn Heroes in a Different Class

Everyone has their favorite hero. But sometimes, you need to take one for the team and play as a different class. Successful teams have a good balance of fighter types, and not everyone can choose a hero from Damage.

Instead of being inflexible during team matchups, improve your skills across the board. Learn new classes and have backups you feel comfortable playing. That way, you can be successful no matter the team dynamics.

Explore Maps

One great way to pass the time is to participate in skirmishes. Skirmish matches don't matter in the grand scheme of things. You don't have to worry too much about rankings or points, so it's a great time to explore maps.

Use that time to poke around! Find hiding spots, health pack spawn points, and unique paths for developing your attack strategy. Knowing the map is essential to success, and downtime is the perfect opportunity to learn about every nook and cranny!

Have Fun in Other Modes

Want to know how to reduce downtime in Overwatch? Try other modes!

Competitive play can be super stressful. Don't be one of those players who end up ragequitting when they lose! Blow off some steam during downtime by trying some of the other Overwatch modes.

Try your hand at Mystery Heroes and learn more about other characters. Then, try No Limits to go buck wild and have fun! There's plenty to do in Overwatch besides competitive play.

Counting Down the Clock

Waiting for the next season to start can feel like torture! Instead of getting antsy, use these tips to run the clock, enjoy the game, and prepare for the next season.

Read a similar article about tips for becoming a pro gamer quickly here at this page.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Recoil Patterns for Weapons in Apex Legends

Apex Legends has a broad collection of weapons to take into battle. Learning recoil patterns is the best way to master those weapons and improve in-game performance.

But what is a recoil pattern, and why does it matter? This blog will go over the basics and provide some information about how a few weapons move.

All About the Recoil

The recoil pattern refers to how a weapon moves after you shoot it. The force of the shot will cause the gun to move uniquely. Every split-second and minute movement counts when you're trying to gun down an opponent.

Failing to take the recoil pattern into account will ruin your aiming in Apex Legends season 8. However, understanding it helps you become one with your weapon. You can learn to quickly readjust or take the recoil into account before making your first shot.

Either way, the recoil pattern plays a big part in your overall accuracy.

Example Recoil Patterns

Now that you understand the coil, here are some example patterns of popular weapons in Apex Legends.

Wingman Pistol

The Wingman is a powerful pistol that can be a life-saver as your primary or secondary weapon. Its recoil drags up and to the left.

Volt SMG

The Volt SMG's recoil pattern can be unpredictable. It usually moves straight up with the first spray. However, it moves to the left and right in a choppy motion halfway up.

R-301 Carbine

Here's another weapon with a crazy recoil. It's similar to the Volt SMG, moving straight up before dramatic shifts to the side.

Devotion LMG

The Devotion can be hard to control. Upon firing, it kicks straight up. Then, it switches to the left and right.

Charge Rifle

The Charge Rifle is a beast of a weapon that uses a beam firing style. It moves steadily up and to the right.

G7 Scout

This gun has one of the more straightforward recoil patterns. It moves in a vertical line up or down, so there's not much compensation.

Mastering Your Aim

When aiming in Apex Legends season 8, always take recoil into account. Every weapon behaves differently. Understanding this small detail can turn you into a formidable force in the arena.

Read a similar article about counter strike training here at this page.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Precautions Gamers Can Take to Prevent Carpal Tunnel

When you think about gaming, physical injury probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. After all, what could be less physical than interacting with virtual worlds from your couch? The truth, however, is that gaming can lead to physical injury depending on a person’s physical health and the amount of time they spend gaming.

Gaming and carpal tunnel syndrome often go hand in hand, and failing to stretch your hands, wrists, and arms regularly when playing video games for long periods can have detrimental effects on health. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to prevent carpal tunnel and reduce the risk of injury when gaming. Below are some tips:

Take Breaks Often

Even though it can be hard to step away when you’re in the middle of a marathon winning streak, it’s good to take regular breaks when gaming for long periods of time. By taking 5-10 minute breaks at least once per hour, you can reduce the chances of gaming to cause injuries. Remember that carpal tunnel can cause a lot of pain and discomfort when you engage in repetitive movements for hours every single day.

Roll Your Wrists

carpal tunnel syndrome affects the wrists, so in addition to stretching your hands and arms, roll your wrists slowly every 15 minutes or so when gaming. To do this, put down your controller or take your hands off your mouse and keyboard. Allow your hands and wrists to relax, then slowly rotate your wrists to roll your hands around in a circular motion. You don’t want to do this too fast or with any real force because of the risk of pulling muscles or making existing problems worse.

Talk to Your Doctor

It’s also a good idea to work with your doctor if you’re concerned about gaming and carpal tunnel syndrome. If you experience any pain while playing a game, you’re encouraged to stop immediately and wait until you’ve had a consultation before resuming any activity that you believe has led to a physical health concern.

Read a similar article about best weapon in COD Warzone here at this page.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Tips for Playing Halo Infinite Multiplayer

The Halo series is one of the most iconic in gaming history. With the release of Halo Infinite, gamers are able to enjoy next-gen FPS action with friends and foes alike through the game’s infamous multiplayer.

Whether you’re new to Halo Infinite or you’re a veteran returning to the franchise, it never hurts to learn some tips and tricks to get better and improve your K/D ratio. Below are a few ways to “get good” fast:

Get Headshots

Both in real life and in Halo Infinite, the head is one of the most vulnerable areas of the body. It only makes sense then that Halo Infinite headshots are going to be your best bet for taking down opponents faster. Remember that headshots in Halo Infinite aren’t going to really be useful if your opponent still has a shield, so get the shield down first before worrying about hitting the head.

Watch Your Shield Health

Speaking of shields, you should be constantly monitoring the health of your own shield to make sure you have a quick exit strategy if your shield gets popped. While Halo Infinite isn’t a cover-based shooter, you can still strafe your way to some obstacle or waist-high cover to reduce your hitbox while your shield regenerates.

Keep Things Moving

Much like how Halo Infinite headshots are devastating, avoiding taking damage yourself is a great way to stay in the game. This is where movement and positioning come in handy. There are plenty of areas across all arenas where it’s easier to land shots compared to other areas. Learn the map and the terrain to have a point of attack in mind no matter where you are.

It may be tempting to stand still to line up your shot, but shooting and moving are really going to be the keys to getting kills without becoming a target yourself. It’s much harder to hit a moving target, so being on the move continuously is going to give you an advantage while you look for an opening. You should also practice moving from different positions to fully utilize the effective range on whatever weapon you’re using at the moment.

Read a similar article about Splitgate tips here at this page.

Monday, March 7, 2022

When to Expect the Lunar New Year Event in Overwatch

The Lunar New Year event is a seasonal occurrence that coincides with the real-world celebration in Asian countries. The first in-game Lunar New Year happened in 2017, and Blizzard continues the tradition into 2022!

So, when will Blizzard initiate this year's Lunar New Year event? Keep reading to find out!

Start and End Dates

Unfortunately, there's no set release date for the Lunar New Year. The real-world celebration starts on February first, but Blizzard typically begins the in-game festivities a bit sooner. While we never know when the event begins, we can use dates from the past to get a general estimate.

The previous Lunar New Year began at the end of January or early February. Most content cycles out of the game by mid-February to early March. That gives you two to three weeks of experiencing everything Blizzard offers. Make sure to start your Overwatch weapons training early to make the most out of the in-game content.

What to Expect for 2022

The symbol for the 2022 Lunar New Year is the tiger! Tiger Hunter Ashe is sure to fit right in with all the skins to come!

If Blizzard continues the tradition, we can assume that this year's events will usher in five Legendary skins and three Epic skins. The former is available for purchase with tokens, while the latter are event-locked.

We may also see new game modes! Last year, Blizzard added Bounty Hunter, Capture the Flag, and Capture the Flag Blitz.

In Bounty Hunter, the first player to get a kill becomes a target that everyone else must takedown. New marks appear with every fresh kill, adding plenty of thrill to the game.

Capture the Flag requires teams to secure an enemy flag and take it to their base. In Capture the Flag Blitz, the same rules apply. However, the flags are much closer, and teams must have more captures to win.

Preparing for the Lunar New Year

This game event is one of the most popular. Prepare for the festivities with Overwatch weapons training to conquer every round and get those coveted Epic skins!

Read a similar article about training FPS games here at this page.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The State Of Overwatch In 2022: Waiting For More

Overwatch, despite what every tired streamer and burnt out player might lead you to believe, is far from dead. Blizzard's MOBA-inspired FPS may have lost its relevance against games like Valorant and Apex Legends, but it remains distinct and stalwart in its place as the least traditional shooter out there read more

Tips to Win a COD Gaming Tournament

Call of Duty is one of the most popular competitive FPS franchises in gaming. Recent releases offer tournament modes, and real-world event...